Korean Major Power Company,
Security Strategy
Background and Client Requests
As a key company in the national power industry, the client intends to establish an unparalleled security response system by establishing a comprehensive security protection for maintaining sustainable competitiveness and generating electricity.
Current Security Landscape and Needs
Cyber Security
Due to the development of IT, cyber threats on IoT and AI are becoming more intelligent and diverse. Also, a new type of user environment is emerging, such as the expansion of remote working environments in the post-corona era.Physical Security
Increase in unauthorized access to core infrastructure, terrorism, and outsiders’ trespassing. As well as physical threats based on 4th industrial technology, such as dronesIndustrial/Trade Security
Prevents the risks of important industrial technology leakage, trade secrets, and enhance the ability to respond/recover from security accidents
Key To Way’s Approach
According to the client’s request, Key To Way successfully focused on five aspects and carried out the project.
Secure the alignment of Biz strategy and security: Evaluate/analyze the potential security risk/readiness and apply in the business action road map.
Secure consensus and commitment: Ensure power of execution for implementing new strategic action items.
Shifting security paradigm from ‘control’ to ‘compatible’: From the perspective of users (employees and partners), who are the subject of daily security, ‘control’ is perceived as 'do not do' and 'compulsory'. Therefore, to practice ‘compatible’ security, receptivity should increase more than control, so that security guidelines and work can be compatible.
Resilience: It is difficult to completely control security accidents, so it focuses on the improvement of response/resilience after the accident.
X-functional Synergy: As the boundaries of each security field converge, there’s a possibility in increasing integrated response capability of the three security areas.
Based on the advisory results from Key To Way, the client is successfully promoting the security strategy to maintain its leading position in the national power Industry.