Radiation Health Institute,
Human Resources Assessment and Organizational Redesign
Background and Client Requests
The client is a health agency of Korea nuclear power company, in need of finding a way to efficiently organize and utilize their human resources. To attain this end, client carried out this project to diagnose the adequacy of their task and organization through diagnosing organization, coordinating the task and preparing operational improvement plan.
Key To Way’s Approach
After closely grasping the client's request, Key To Way focused on the three following activities to successfully complete the project:
Analyzing Individual/department task and workload
Establishing organizational and workforce efficiency plan through business process analysis
Suggesting the future organizational design and leadership enhancement plan for changing business strategies and implementing key initiatives
Based on the advisory results from Key To Way, client has prepared a comprehensive organizational operation plan, achieved results such as clarification of individual tasks, improvement of major business processes and development of leadership enhancement plan to maximize operational efficiency.