Province Metropolitan City,
Human Resources Assessment and Organizational Redesign
Background and Client Requests
Our client requested Key To Way to establish a business plan with the aim of selecting a government-organized industrial complex renovation project to strengthen the competitiveness of industrial complexes in the region. Industrial complexes in Gwangju were facing deepening problems such as the utilization rate, falling employment rate, and worsening competitiveness of tenant companies. Therefore, we carefully identified the strengths and weaknesses of Province Industrial Complex, and the opportunities and risk factors in the future transition to promising industrial areas, and carried out the project to present blueprints of industrial complexes in Gwangju.
Key To Way’s Approach
According to the client's request, Key To Way successfully carried out the project according to 3 steps.
Establishment of a plan for the development of the Province Industrial Complex
Establishing a detailed business plan
Support for presentations and other follow-up work
Based on Key To Way's consulting results, our client was finally selected for the industrial complex renovation project. As a result, our client will be able to invest about 760 billion won in three areas (1.smart innovation, 2.smart environment, and 3.smart talent) over the next three years. Through this, our client has laid the groundwork for the creation of a cooperative belt for the future of the Province Industrial Complex, which was proposed by Key To Way.