Power company,
Ecosystem of Nuclear Power Plant Dismantling Industry and Strategy for global advancement
Background and Client Requests
In preparation for the expansion of the global nuclear decommissioning market, the client requested to establish strategies to develop the nuclear decommissioning industry as a key future industrial source, secure the competitiveness of the nuclear decommissioning industry ecosystem, and enhance the economic vitality of the nuclear power plant area.
Key To Way’s Approach
Key To Way performed the three activities in order to full client’s request:
Developed a direction of nuclear decommissioning industry by analyzing global and local nuclear decommissioning industry
Established a strategy to dismantle domestic nuclear power plants by analyzing the client’s self-sufficiency of nuclear power plant dismantling
Set up action plans for the construction of the nuclear power plant ecosystem
Established strategies for entering the global dismantling market
Analyzed the current state of provisions for nuclear power plant decommissioning and drew possible directions
Based on the results of Key To Way's research, the client is establishing a policy to foster the nuclear power plant dismantling industry and future strategic directions for the nuclear power industry.