Public Institution,
Strategy for Innovative Growth of
Domestic Sensor Industry
Background and Client Requests
Client assumed sensor industry competitiveness, which is emerging as a key component in high-tech industries such as data, network, and artificial intelligence (D.N.A.), is emerging as the core of national competitiveness. However, the domestic sensor industry needed policy support to secure industrial competitiveness with low market share and technology compared to the global market, and it needed to respond to changes in sensor and major demand industries. In response, Client requested to prepare a task to derive and implement mid- to long-term strategies for each key field such as future new technologies, industrial ecosystems, and infrastructure with the aim of strengthening competitiveness in the domestic sensor industry.
Key To Way’s Approach
According to the client's request, Key To Way successfully carried out the project according to 3 steps.
Analysis of the overall sensor industry in Korea, including the current status of domestic and foreign sensor markets and major companies, technology trends and advanced trends by sensors, etc.
Present vision and goals for securing competitiveness in the domestic sensor industry
Derive development strategies and challenges by future new technologies, industrial ecosystems, human resources and infrastructure
Based on Key To Way's consultation results, Client has identified the latest status of the domestic and foreign sensor industry and is considering implementing strategic tasks to secure industrial competitiveness.