Domestic auto parts manufactoring Company,
Consultation on preparation of strategic plan
for selection of K-lighthouse Smart Factory
Background and Client Requests
Client is an export-focused company that produces auto parts and steering systems and exports them to more than a dozen countries overseas, including the United States, Europe and South Asia. However, the company's innovation strategy was inevitable to respond to rapid changes in the automotive industry due to industrial paradigm shift and carbon neutrality trends.
Key To Way’s Approach
According to the client's request, Key To Way has prepared a strategic plan through 4 activities.
Identify the current status and set direction through In-depth Interview
Establishment of mid- to long-term management strategies and implementation plans through internal and external environmental analysis;
Create strategic objectives for achieving the vision, annual promotion plans and ISP strategic reports that embody them
Client has been selected as a K-lighthouse factory after successfully preparing a strategic plan based on Key To Way's consultation results and serves as a lighthouse for domestic smart manufacturing business.