Smart X
Smart X
Smart X is a service that transforms all areas of the industry into “smart” by utilizing the core technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution, represented by AICBM (AI, IoT, Cloud, Big Data, Mobility) and cutting-edge technologies for each industry. Smart X services cover a wide range of areas, ranging from company products/services, production and management activities to industrialization and city-wide smartization. In order to implement Smart X in organizations, a specific technical approach is required.
Key To Way provides services that “smart” all areas of industry by utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as IoT, Cloud, Big Data, Mobility, and AI.
Corporate Level
Smart factory strategy
Business digital transformation strategy
Organization-wide, function-specific digital transformation strategy
Information strategy planning for Digital Transformation
Industrial Level
Smart Industrial Complex construction strategy
Shared Smart Factory construction strategy
Smart Farm development strategy
City Level
Smart City development strategy
Smart Industrial Complex development strategy by functions in cities
Why Key To Way
Experience of establishing detailed strategies for corporate, industrial and city
Provide mid- to long-term strategic perspectives considering linkage and expansion of each Smart X entities

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Public Institution,
Smart City Strategic Planning

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Public Institution,
Develop Smart Industrial Complex Management Strategies